Classified Courier And Administrative Support Services
September 2002 – September 2011
Quality Support, Inc. provided high-visibility and time-sensitive courier services to and from foreign embassies and the Department of State in support of the DIA Passport and VISA processing requirements. Additionally, customer service and administrative support services were provided for related travel office activity onsite. Quality Support provided these services to Defense Intelligence Agency Headquarters since 1997. The contract was expanded to include more high-level administrative functions, and re-awarded to Quality Support, Inc. in January of 2002 and then again through competitive bid in September of 2006.
Joint Military Intelligence Training Center (JMITC)
Classified Human Resources Management, Program, & Training
July 2009 - November 2010
For the JMITC School for Leadership and Professional Development, Quality Support, Inc. provided curriculum design and training delivery in areas of human resources management and program communications support. We identified training resources, collaborated with service providers, managed intelligence training, provided advisory services, and managed multiple logistics, administrative, and coordination functions. We wrote and delivered state-of-the-art procedure and science courses, such as “Introduction to the Intelligence Community”; "Military Intelligence Program”; "Integrating the Intelligence Community”; ”The National Intelligence Program”; and other classified courses for the Department of Defense. Our assessment of the course delivery and student impact on performance was measured by evaluation forms and surveys. We coordinated classrooms, visitor access, equipment requirements, and produce training materials, as well as suggested appropriate courses, instructors, and materials.
System Administration, Database Management, and Administrative
September 2007 - September 2008
Working in a WINDOWS NT environment, Quality Support, Inc. System Administrators provided on-site system administration, database management, and related software and hardware support.