Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR), Office of Outreach (OTR)
Meeting Support for Analytic Exchanges
January 6, 2014 – January 5, 2018
Quality Support provides the support necessary to assist OTR in meeting the functional, technical, and logistical requirements to manage as many as 77 analytic exchanges per year for its Department of State and IC customers. Working with the Project Officer and OTR staff, Quality Support is responsible for planning and oversight of the meetings, including agenda development, invitee invitation, designing and reproducing conference materials, communication with attendees and speakers, procuring conference facilities and equipment, coordinating hotel accommodations, travel support, expense reimbursement, payment of honorarium, per diem, and other support services. Quality Support also develops and print signage, name badges and name tents for all participants listed on the OTR-provided agenda and other identified persons. A water station, blank name tents and name tags, color printed agendas, presenter biography pages, other printed presentation material, and pens are available for all Analytic Exchanges. Our onsite support includes administrative services, message handling, registration and information, computer and A/V equipment.
Bureau of Consular Affairs (CA)
Visa Office (VO), Washington, D.C.
Administrative, Management, Logistical, and Analytical Support
January 2006 – May 11, 2015
Quality Support provides top security program management and VISA analysis and national security activities to assist the DOS with fraud prevention via screening; training, standards compliance, documentation, instruction, and surveillance. We accomplish this task with confidential and information clearance assignments from the Secretary of State’s Office, along with random inspections, computer generated reports, and complaint investigation. Supporting CA/VO involves many different processes and national security activities. There is not a single product that is produced as the outcome of the management and organizational activities. Rather, program support varies based on the individual division/unit. We provide skilled and knowledgeable subject matter experts, professional level and administrative personnel to aid CA/VO in carrying out its mission. Additionally, efforts include analysis and recommendations reports to consular sections on visa matters and liaison with the DHS and other government agencies covering a wide range of immigration issues. Covered in the activities will be humanitarian parole, asylum, and other aspects of U.S. Immigration Law. Services are provided to all Consular Offices including the Watch Office which requires daily monitoring and collection of CLASSIFIED information provided to the Coordination Division of the Office of Legislation, Regulation and Advisory Assistance (CA/VO/L/C). Senior, retired Foreign Services Officers are housed in the State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research to meet the emergency and required analysis and recommendation reports. Currently, the CA Watch, as part of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research’s Office of Counter-Intelligence and Consular Support, facilitates and manages the exchange of information between the Bureau of Consular Affairs Coordination Division staff and other federal agencies with responsibilities in the border security and counter-terrorism fields; all of which intersect in the alien visa application process. TOP SECRET with SCI for facility and personnel are required. The contract also covers the technical guidance for the following programs: Office of Border and International Programs (VO/BIP) which coordinates the bi-lateral/multi-lateral information exchanges and border management programs, such as the “Smart Borders” initiatives with Mexico and Canada. Additionally, it oversees the ongoing border crossing card project; the Field Support and Liaison (VO/F), the primary point of contact for consular officers abroad, regarding visa policy and procedures, provides review, assistance and guidance on individual cases, and supports the complex, critical system for allocating immigrant visa numbers under the various Preference categories; Information Management and Liaison (VO/I) coordinates CA/VO policy on automated systems and interagency data exchange. Additionally, VO/I establishes policies related to the collection and distribution of Consular Lookout and Support System (CLASS) information to ensure that the best quality of data is available to consular section officers worldwide; and, the Office of Legislation, Regulations and Advisory Assistance (VO/L) provides both general and case-specific guidance on matters of law and regulation. VO/L is the coordinator on visa matters involving national security, provides AO’s on visa eligibility, determines 212e Waiver recommendations, evaluates FOIA requests, revises visa regulations, including 9 FAM updates, and responds to all questions specific to legal interpretation of visa issues.
Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR)
Ambassadorial Conference / Meeting Support
January 2002 – September, 2013
Quality Support, Inc. provided domestic and international logistical, administrative, and on-site support to the Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR). We planned and supported high-level seminars and conferences for newly appointed U.S. Ambassadors and conferences concerning high priority foreign affairs issues. We arranged air and ground transportation, lodging, honoraria and per diem distribution, and other travel related reimbursement. Quality Support provided meeting facilities, on-site support, audio-visual and computer equipment, and administrative support to produce conference materials and supplies for contract requirements. Our contract required us to support foreign dignitaries, academia, senior-level corporate executives, Ambassadors, and senior-level military officers.
Bureau Of Near East Affairs (NEA)
Office of Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI)
Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) Grant Reviews
March 2004 – March 26, 2011
The Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) is a unique program designed to engage directly with the peoples of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). MEPI creates partnerships with MENA citizens to foster the development of pluralistic, participatory, and prosperous societies throughout the region. MEPI’s partnerships include grants awarded to local, regional, and international nongovernmental organizations, the private sector, academic institutions, and governments to provide critical support to advocates for social and political change. In support of this White House initiative, Quality Support posted funding opportunities and retrieved application submissions from the federal funding site, Grants.gov. Upon retrieving and downloading the applications, Quality Support assessed each application for responsiveness and prepared a tracking log for each opportunity. Quality Support provided travel and logistical support for technical review panels including researched, negotiated and retained accommodations and meeting space; negotiated and retained audio visual support; arranged food and beverage provisions; arranged domestic and international travel and accommodations for reviewers; processed registration and reservations; gathered and entered data into the conference database; verified data and ensured data integrity; and processed honorarium, per diem and expense reimbursements. During each technical review, we supported all conference activities, including invitations emails to reviewers; preparing and providing application materials to reviewers, arranging orientation calls, preparing conference materials (e.g., agenda and biographical information); corresponding with attendees, confirming registration, providing note-takers and on-site support. Following each review, Quality Support prepared a rank order of applications from 100-point value system and submitted it to MEPI to use in making funding decisions. In addition, we prepared review summary documents that the MEPI Program Office used to debrief non-selected grant applicants about the strengths and weaknesses of their proposal. Under a separate task order, Quality Support provided travel and logistical support to civil society leaders participating in activities of the Broader Middle East and North Africa (BMENA) region. This program contributed to MEPI’s strategic goal by bolstering U.S. Government (USG) policy with tangible programmatic support of civil society organizations that can effectively advocate for reform. Quality Support provided travel and logistical support including researched, negotiated and retained accommodations and meeting space; negotiated and retained audio visual support; arranged food and beverage provisions; arranged domestic and international travel and accommodations for civil society; processed registrations and reservations; gathered and entered data into the conference database; verified data and ensured data integrity; and processed per diem, ground transportation, and expense reimbursements. In addition, we supported all conference activities, including invitations emails to and corresponding with civil society and other partners in the BMENA program; arranging translation services; preparing and publishing conference materials (e.g., agenda and biographical information); confirming registration; providing on-site support. Quality Support provided travel for civil society participants traveling from Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, West Bank and Gaza, Yemen.
Bureau of Overseas Building Operations (OBO)
Conference/Administrative/Logistical Support
June 2009 – August 2009
Quality Support, Inc. designed the event website for the Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) 2003 Industry Day at the Ronald Reagan Building, Washington, DC. Our website utilized an online registration process and a secure bank server to process major credit cards. We performed administrative tasks to include preparation of participants list, name badges, and table tents. On site support included registration and other administrative services. Event procedures were developed and reviewed with the Program Office prior to the event. Our staff developed marketing strategies to ensure the financial and program success of OBO Industry Day. The end result was a successful event, including an attendee total much higher than OBO officials had projected.
Bureau of Public Affairs (BPA)
U.S. Diplomacy Center
Planning for a Joint Conference for the George C. Marshall Foundation in the U.S. Diplomacy Center and the Department of State
January 2006 – April 2006 and January 2009 – April 2009
Quality Support Inc. provided logistical, technical, and administrative support for “The Marshall Plan: Lessons for the 21st Century and Opportunities for Diplomacy Today” conference, hosted by the Department of State (DOS), Bureau of Public Affairs (PA) at the Bureau’s United States Diplomacy Center (USDC) in Washington, D.C. The conference was held in February 2006 and was attended by over 200 participants, including cadets and chaperones from the Virginia Military Institute (VMI), students from Washington and Lee University, as well as students and teachers from local area high schools, speakers, and Government employees. This 1½ day event included presentations from distinguished DOS officials and invited speakers, an informal reception in the Delegates Lounge, and a series of workshops on Economic Stabilization, Diplomacy and Rule of Law, Public Diplomacy, Technical Assistance, Domestic Support, and Governance, as well as a hosted lunch for the cadets and speakers. Quality Support was responsible for preparation of project timelines and overview, managing interactions with PA/USDC and other DOS offices, oversight of logistical matters including securing meeting rooms, design of room layout, coordination of all technical and audiovisual requirements, food and beverage services, and security matters, coordination of all delivery and shipping requirements, negotiation and confirmation of lodging and catering contracts on behalf of PA/USDC, selection of menus for a reception, afternoon and morning breaks, continental breakfast and lunch, design and creation of signage, name badges and tent cards, production of conference materials and folders, and assembly of gift bags. We attended meetings with PA and other DOS staff, conducted site visits, and acted as the central point of contact and communication with vendors regarding the event. Our staff managed the on-site registration process for the conference, monitored the performance of the caterer and other vendors, provided staff with the appropriate security clearances to escort vendors throughout the building, and provided overall on-site coordination and administration for the duration of the event.
Office of Acquisitions
Conference, Logistical, and Administrative Support Services
April 1999 – April 2006
For the U.S. Department of State, Quality Support, Inc. provided high-level, sensitive, domestic and international logistical, conference and meeting support, travel services, and administrative report. We arranged air transportation, process election supervisor applications, made stipend distributions, arranged hotel accommodations, and provided on-site conference management and administrative services. We provided facilities, personnel, equipment, and supplies for various contract requirements. We supported high-level meetings held in both the United States and overseas. Our contract required us to support numerous foreign dignitaries and senior members of Congress. Quality Support, Inc. secured and processed travel arrangements, stipend distribution, and designed and reproduced orientation manuals for hundreds of Election Supervisors in support of both the Bosnia and Kosovo Free Elections. We provided conference management and administrative support services for former Senator George Mitchell’s White House Initiative, Fact Finding Mission on Middle East Violence in November 2000. We coordinated November 1999 meetings for the Iraqi National Congress Presidential Committee to address the United Nations General Assembly, U.N. Humanitarian Meeting, and U.N. General Secretary, General Kofi Annan. We traveled to London, England to establish an operational facility to house and supported the Iraqi National Congress. We supported hundreds of events to date include the workshops, meetings, seminars, and conferences.